Ensure that your branch is up to date with its parent branch
Check if Docker database connections are proper (if you are within the same docker container, the sql connection should use the port in export and the host specified in docker-compose.yml)
pip freeze > requirements.txt and rebuild your Docker image to make sure everything still works
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Check if all the files that you renamed have been renamed in Git
Do a function search on all methods that were edited in the repository
Check if method is being used in any unexpected files
Request endpoint multiple times and ensure that the requests are processed in reasonable time
Avoid timeout errors
Check for places where program can cause API to raise error
Check for any repeating code blocks
Refactor into classes or functions
Check if statements for ternary use
Check for loops for list/dict comprehension
Check for strings that can be replaced with class names or variable names
Check all #pylint-disabled and try to find a way around it
Check if all strings are formatted in either ways: "{}".format(test) or f"{test}"
Made appropriate README
Ensure Wiki is up to date
Check if all functions and classes have docstrings
Check if all parameters (class - fields, functions - methods) have docstrings
Check if there are periods at the end of your sentences
Check if comments are captalized
Check if all variable names are in the lowercase/underscore format
Check if all files are in the lowercase/underscore format
Check if all class names are camel case
Make sure it says "Parameters", not "Args"
Check if all parameters are specified in "Parameters"
Delete unnecessary newlines and trailing spaces
Ensure there is a new line at the end of each file
Ensure there are two new lines separating if name == main and the rest of the program
if name == main
Last updated 3 years ago
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