Plotting Calculating And Cleaning

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Calculating Fast Fourier Transform

  • Remember FFT has 2 components (frequency and magnitude of frequency)

  • np.fft.rfftfreq(window_length, d=inverse_sampling_rate) -> Returns ndarray of sampling frequencies

  • np.fft.rfft(discrete_signal_input) -> Returns COMPLEX ndarray

    • Since it returns a complex array, it has an imaginary part, but we only want the magnitude (so only the real). So we take the absolute value

    • Dividing by window_length to normalize the FFT output (not required but good to do)

      • Even though we should be ensuring that all signals are the same length, in case they aren't, this scales magnitude of the FFT

def calc_fft(samples, sampling_rate):
    window_length = len(samples)
    frequency = np.fft.rfftfreq(window_length, d=1/sampling_rate)
    magnitude = abs(np.fft.rfft(samples) / window_length)

    return (magnitude, frequency)
samples, sampling_rate = librosa.load(file)
calc_fft(samples, sampling_rate)

Calculating the Filterbank Energy Coefficients and Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients

  • Filterbank:logfbank(audio signal that is n*1 array, sampling_rate, nfft)

    • nfft: the FFT size (number of bins used for dividing the window into equal strips, or bins)

  • Cepstrum: Similar to above but uses mfcc() (Remember, this is just the filterbank energy coefficients with the discrete cosine transform)

    • Calculated by samplingfrequencywindowsizesampling frequency*window_size

    • Get the sample frequency by getting the rate from

    • Here, we just used the conventional window size of 0.025 seconds

    • So the nfft=44100*0.025

from python_speech_features import logfbank, mfcc

samples, sampling_rate = librosa.load(file)

bank = logfbank(

coeff = mfcc(

Analyzing Plotted Graphs

Time Series

Noise Threshold Detection

  • Remember in Background and Downsampling, we can see where there is low magnitude portions (quieter sound) and we should filter this out

    • Barely any signal for algorithm to process

  • General Idea: Compute a threshold, if sample does not meet this threshold, it is filtered out

Fourier Transform

  • Frequencies are so distributed, you can't tell much :sad:

Filterbank Coefficients and Mel Cepstrum Coefficients

  • Can now distinguish between instruments pretty well visually

Calculating Threshold Envelope of the Signal to Clean Dead Space

  • Want to detect the red lines (this is called the Rolling Mean)

    • Do this easier with Pandas Series instead of numpy array

    • Returns List of booleans for Numpy array Masking (Lines up with numpy array length, if the index is matched up with False, it is removed from the array)

  • To find threshold value (in this case it's 0.0005), you have to test out which one works best

def calc_envelope_signal(samples, sampling_rate, threshold):
    # Convert numpy array to Series for easier data manipulation
    samples = pd.Series(samples).apply(np.abs)
    samples_mean = samples.rolling(

    return [True if mean > threshold else False for mean in samples_mean]

signal = np.array([2, 3, 2, 4])
calc_envelope(signal, 44100, 0.0005) 
>> [True, True, False, False]

signal = signal[calc_envelope(signal, 44100, 0.0005)]
>> np.array([2, 3])

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