Lecture 18

Design Patterns Continued

Guiding Principle: Program to the interface, not the implementation

  • Abstract base classes define the interface

    • they work with base class pointers and call their methods

  • Concrete subclasses can be swapped in and out

    • Abstraction over a variety of behaviours

The point: Even if you don't have an abstract base class, you should probably make one anyway

Iterator Pattern

class List {
    class Iterator: public AbstractIterator {

class AbstractIterator {
    virtual int &operator*()=0;
    virtual AbstractIterator &operator++=0;
    virtual bool operator!=(AbstractIterator &other)=0;
    virtual ~AbstractIterator() {};

class Set {
    class Iterator: public AbstractIterator {

// Then you can write code that operators over iterators.

// works over Lists and Sets
void for_each(Abstract Iterator &start, AbstractIterator &finish, int(*f)(int)) {
  while (start != finish) {

Observer Pattern

  • Aka Publish/subscribe model

  • Publisher/Subject generates data

  • Observers/Subscribers receive data and react to it

    • i.e. Observers/Subscribers automatically updates when subject's data changes

General Example:

  • publisher = spreadsheet cells

  • observers = graphs (when spreadsheet cells change, graph reacts)

Note: Can be many different kinds of observer objects - subject should not need to know all the details


UML Note: Subject class is code common to all subjects, Observer class is interface common to all observers

Observer Pattern's Sequence of Method calls

  1. .Subject's state is updated

  2. .Subject::notifyObservers() - calls each observer's notify()

  3. Each observer calls ConcreteSubject::getState() to query the state and reacts accordingly

Observer Pattern Example:

  • Subject - publishes winners

  • Observers = individual bettors (they'll declare victory when their horse wins)

// Subject Class
class Subject {
  vector<Observer*> observers;
    void attach(Observer *ob) {
    void detach(Observer *ab); // remove from observers (must loop through)
    void notifyObservers() {
      for (auto &ob:observers) {
    virtual ~Subject();    

Subject::~Subject() {}

// Observer class
class Observer {
    virtual void notify() = 0;
    virtual ~Observer() {}

// ConcreteSubject class
class HorseRace: public Subject {
  ifstream in; // source of data
  string lastWinner;
    HorseRace(string source): in{source} {}
    bool runRace() {
      return in >> lastWinner;
    string getState() {
      return lastWinner;

// ConcreteObserver class
class Bettor: public Observer {
  HorseRace *subject;
  string name, myHorse;
    Bettor(Horse Race *subject, string name, string myHorse) {
    ~Bettor() {
    void notify() {
      string winner = subject->getState();
      if (winner == myHorse) {
        cout << "win!" << endl;
      } else {
        cout << "Lose :(" << endl;

int main() {
  HorseRace hr;
  Bettor Larry {&hr, "Larry", "OliviaTheFuckFace"};
  while (hr.runRace()) {

Decorator Pattern

  • Used to enhance an object during runtime

    • i.e. Add functionality/features when program is running

Example: Windowing system

  • start with basic window

  • add scrollbar

  • add menu


Component defines the interface - i.e. operations your objects will provide ConcreteComponent implements the interface. Decorators - all inherit from Decorator, which inherits from Component

Therefore, every decorator IS-A Component and HAS-A component.

Window example explained:

  • WindowWithScrollBar is a kind of window and has a pointer to the underlying plain window

  • WindowWithScrollBar and menu IS a window and HAS a pointer to a WindowWithScrollBar, which has a pointer to a window

  • pointer always points to a less deccorated version of itself

All inherit from WindowInterface, so Window methods can be used polymorphically on all of them.

Decorator Pattern Example with Code: Pizza

// Basic pizza is crust and sauce

// Component Class (Abstract)
class Pizza {
    virtual float price() const=0;
    virtual string desc() const=0;
    virtual ~Pizza() {}

// Decorator Class (Abstract)
class Decorator: public Pizza {
    Pizza *component;
    Decorator (Pizza *p): component{p} {}
    virtual ~Decorator() {
      delete component;

// ConcreteDecorator Class
class CrustAndSauce: public Pizza {
    float price() const override {
      return 5.99;
    string desc() const override {
      return "pizza";

class StuffedCrust: public Decorator {
    stuffedCrust (Pizza *p): Decorator {p} {}
    float price() const override {
      return component->price() + 2.69;
    string desc() const override {
      return component->desc() + "with stuffed crust";

// Other classes are similar to StuffedCrust


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