Groundbreaking Architectures
Over 1 million images of 1000 classes of images. Here are some models that performed extremely well with this dataset.
AlexNet (2012)
Pioneered usage of ReLU and Dropout to avoid overfitting
Had large convolutional filters (11x11)
By UofT
VGG (2014)
VGG-16, VGG-19
Long sequence of 3x3 convolutional, 2x2 Pooling, 3 FC layers
Pioneered usage of small 3x3 convolutional filters
By Oxford University
ResNet (2015)
With the enormous # of layers, Vanishing Gradient Problem was discovered
They solved this by adding skip layers which shortened the route for gradients to travel (initially, the gradients had to travel the entire 152 layers which is a lot)
By Microsoft Research
Last updated
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