Metrics To Evaluate Ml Algorithms
Refer to Metrics to Evaluate your Machine Learning Algorithm. There's also extra content in this note.
Types of Evaluation Metrics
Classification Accuracy
Logarithmic Loss
Confusion Matrix
Area under Curve
F1 Score
Mean Absolute Error
For more info check Loss Functions - Notes
Mean Squared Error
For more info check Loss Functions - Notes
Classification Accuracy
Accuracy = # of correct predictions / Total # of predictions
Pros: Good when equal samples/clas
Cons: False sense of achieving high accuracy if unequal samples/class
eg. If samples were 90% Class A and 10% Class B, Model could predict class A 100% of the time and it would have a 90% accuracy rate (which is clearly not correct)
Logarithmic Loss
Penalises false classifications
Pros: Good with multiclass classification
Prior setup:
Classifier must assign probability to each class for all samples
Equation parameters:
N: Total # of samples
M: Total # of classes
y_ij: If sample i belongs to class j or not
p_ij: Probability of sample i belonging to class j
If logloss → 0, more accurate
Confusion Matrix
Output: Matrix that describes entire performance of model
True Positives:
Predicted: YES
Actual: YES
True Negatives:
Predicted: NO
Actual: NO
False Positives:
Predicted: YES
Actual: NO
False Negatives:
Predicted: NO
Actual: YES
Accuracy of Matrix = (True Positives + False Negatives) / (Total # of Samples)
Area Under Curve (AUC)
Use Case: Binary Classification
AUC of TPR vs FPR Graph
Probability that classifier will rank positive example higher than negative example
True Positive Rate (Sensitivity):
Equation: TP / (FN+TP)
Meaning: Positive data points with respect to ALL positive (actual) data points
False Positive Rate (Specificity):
Equation: FP / (FP+TN)
Meaning: Negative data points considered positive out of all negative (actual) data points
F1 Score
Output: Harmonic mean between precision and recall
Balance between Precision and Recall
Precision (how many instances it classifies correctly)
Last updated
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