Lecture 13


  • encapsulated list class

  • can't traverse the list node-to-node

  • repeatedly calling ith => O(n2) time

SE Topic: Design Patterns

  • certain programming problems arise often

  • keep track of good solutions to these problems reuse and adapt them

    • If you have this problem, then this technique may solve it

    • Our problem: traversing a list without resulting in O(n2) time while keeping nodes secure

    • Solution: Iterator Pattern

Iterator Pattern

  • Create a class that manages access to nodes

  • Abstraction of a pointer

  • Walk the list without exposing the actual pointers

Iterating through an array in C-style

for (int *p = arr; p < arr + size; ++p) {
  cout << *p << endl;
  • Want class that acts as pointer p

class List {
  struct Node;
  Node *theList;

    class Iterator {
      Node *p; // think of pointer as your bookmark (where am I in the array)
        explicit Iterator (Node *p): p{p}{}
        Iterator &operator++() {
          p = p->next; 
          return *this;
        int &operator*() {
          return p->data;
        } // O(1)
        bool operator!= (const Iterator &other) {
          return p != other.p;
        } // O(1)
    Iterator begin() {
      return Iterator{theList};
    } // O(1)
    Iterator end() { // O(1)
      return Iterator{nullptr;}

Now what does client's code look like?

int main() {
  List l;
  for (List::Iterator it=l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { 
    cout << *it << endl;
  } // Now this runs in O(n) time instead of O(n^2)

Shortcut: automatic type deduction

Automatic Type Deduction

// gives x the same type as the value of y
auto x = y;

Applying the shortcut:

for (auto its=l.begin(); l != l.endl(); ++it) {
  cout << *it << endl;

An even shorter shortcut:

// bi-value declaration: n is a copy of the list item
for (auto n:l) {
  cout << n << endl;

// If you want to modify list items or save copy
for (auto &n:l) {

// OR
for (const auto &n:l) {

Range Loops

  • available for any class with:

    • methods begin and end that produce iterators

    • the iterator must support !=, prefix ++, unary *

Encapsulation continued

Encapsulation with Constructors

  • List client can create iterators directly by doing:

auto it = List::Iterator {nullptr};
  • Violates encapsulation

    • client should be using end()

  • We could make Iterator's constructor private, but two problems arise:

    1. Client cannot call List::Iterator

    2. List cannot call Iterator

Problem: How do we allow client to create iterators without breaking encapsulation? Solution: Make List a friend of Iterator


  • Gives class privileged access to another class

Solution explained:

  • Make List a friend

    • give List privileged access to Iterator by making List a friend

  • So now List can still create iterators, but client can only create iterators by calling begin/end

class List {
    class Iterator {
      Node *p;
      explicit Iterator(Node *p);
      friend class List; // List has access to all members of Iterator

Rule of Thumb with Friends: Give your classes as few friends as possible - weakens encapsulation

Accessor/Mutator Methods

  • Provides access to private fields

class Vec {
  int x,y;
    int getX() const { // accessor
      return x;
    void getY(int z) { // mutator

Why not just put int x and y in public?

  • advantage to this is if you want x and y to have certain restrictions, but not complete restriction

Dealing with private fields for theoperator<<?

  • operator<< needs to access x and y fields, but the operator function cannot be a member (needs to be outside the class)

  • We have two options in this case:

    1. if getX, getY defined, then use these methods to access x and y

    2. if you don't want to provide getX and getY - make operator<< a friend function:

// .h
class Vec {
  friend std::ostream &operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Vec &v);
// not a member function, this is a friend declaration (still has two arguments, one of them do not become this)

// .c
ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const Vec &v) {
  return out << v.x << ' ' << v.y;

System Modelling (UML)

  • Visualizing the structure of the system (abstractions and relationships among them) to aid design and implementation Popular Standard: UML (Unified Modelling Language)

Modeling Classes



Fields (optional)

-x: Integer, -y: integer

Methods (optional)

+getX: Integer, +getY: Integer

**Visibility: - means private, + means public, # means protected

Relationship: Composition of classes

class Vec {
  int x,y,z;
    Vec(int, int, int);

// Two vecs define a plane:
class Plane {
  Vec v1, v2;

// This does not compile
Plane p; // can't initialize v1 and v2 without help - no default constructor for vec

class Plane {
  Vec v1, v2;
    // means initialize v1 to Vec {1,0,0};
    Plane(): v1{1,0,0}, v2{0,1,0}, v3{0,0,1} {} 

Composition (OWNS-A)

  • Embedding an object inside another


  • Embedding Vec inside Plane is called composition.

Relationship shown in example:

  • A Plane OWNS-A Vec (Owns 2 of them)

  • If A OWNS-A B, then typically: B has no identity outside A (no independent existence)

    • If A is destroyed, B is destroyed

    • If A is copied, B is copied (deep copy)

  • eg. A car owns four wheels - a wheel is part of a car

    • destroy the car => destroy the wheels

    • copy the car => copy the wheels

  • Typical Implemention: typically as composition of classes

  • Modelling: Plane


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