
A way to handle credentials properly in Python.

Remember: Put the credentials file in your .gitignore.

Example config.cfg:

user = user
pass = password
host = db_host
port = 3306
database = database

user = user
pass = pass
token = token
import configparser
from typing import Union

from logger import logger

CONFIG_FILE = "config.cfg"

class Handler:
    def __init__(self):
        self.config_file = CONFIG_FILE
        self.config = configparser.ConfigParser()

    def get_credentials(self, service: str) -> Union[dict, None]:
        """Returns the credentials in the config file of a given service"""

            return self.config[service]
        except KeyError:
            logger.error("Could not read %s from %s", service, self.config_file)
            return None

Last updated