Docker Mapping


How can someone access your application?

docker run webapp
>> * Running on

You can access it through port 5000 (the docker container is listening/exposed from this port), but what IP do we use?

  1. The IP of the docker container (every docker container gets a default IP address)

    • IMPORTANT NOTE: This is internal and is only accessible within the docker host. So opening a browser within the docker browser would yield the application.

    • e.g.

  2. The IP of the docker host

    • You must map port inside docker container to free port on docker host (e.g. map port 80 from localhost to port 5000)

    • e.g.

    • Command to map the port: docker run -p 80:5000 <name>

      • All traffic to port 80 gets routed to port 5000 inside the docker container

      • This way, we can run multiple instances of the application and map the instances to different ports at the same time


When you remove a container, all the data goes with it. How do we persist the data? We have to map the data stored in the container to a local location:

docker run -v <local/file/path>:/var/lib/mysql mysql

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