Activation Functions
Activation functions used after the weights and bias are multipled and added together, produces the output of that neuron
Types of Activation Functions
Binary Step Function
Has threshold
If input > or < threshold => sends exactly the same signal to next layer
Produces 1 or 0 (passed threshold or not)
So does not allow multi-value output (classification)
Linear Activation Function
Aka linear regression model
Creates output (after multiplying and adding weights and bias) that is linearly proportional to input
Allows multi-value output
Cannot use backpropogation
Derivative of function is a constant (Constant has no relation to input X)
Cannot backtrack to see how weights can improve to minimize loss
Basically only has 2 layers (input -> output)
Since it's linear output, any layers added don't change the fact that any output is just linear to the input
Non-Linear Activation Function
Allows backpropogration
Derivatives are related to input
Allows for multiple layers
Common Non-Linear Activation Functions
Sigmoid / Logistic
Smooth gradient (prevents "jumps" in output values)
Clear predictions
Vanishing Gradient Problem
High or low X values are indistinguishable since they just round back to 0 or 1
Makes network unable to learn more
Predicting can be slow
Computationally expensive
Output is not zero-centered (sigmoid only outputs values between 0 and 1, 0 is clearly not the center)
Refer to this link for explanation on why that's bad
TanH / Hyperbolic Tangent:
like sigmoid
Like sigmoid
ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit)
Only used for hidden layers (not output layer)
Linear for anything greater than 0
0 for anything less than 0
Computationally efficient (converges quickly)
No vanishing gradient problem
Not zero-centered
The Dying ReLU problem
If neuron outputs negative value, the output is 0. This is hard to recover from since the derivative of 0 is just 0 (unlikely for neuron to recover).
i.e. Non-differetiable at 0 (cannot perform backpropagation)
Not usually used in RNNs
RNNs output very large values, and ReLU does not bound output values, so you could have exploding gradient problem
Leaky / Parametric ReLU / Maxout Function
Fixes "dying relu problem" (no 0 slope, so can have backpropagation now)
Speeds up training
Results not consistent for negative values
You have to tune the slope parameter
No graph because Softmax is a multivariable function
Multi-class classification version of Sigmoid
Sigmoid and Softmax are the same in binary classification
Can handle multiple classes (Useful for output neurons)
Normalizes outputs for each class between 0 and 1, then divides by sum
Gives probability of input being in specific class
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