Activation Functions


  • Activation functions used after the weights and bias are multipled and added together, produces the output of that neuron

Types of Activation Functions

Binary Step Function

  • Has threshold

  • If input > or < threshold => sends exactly the same signal to next layer

    • Produces 1 or 0 (passed threshold or not)

    • So does not allow multi-value output (classification)

Linear Activation Function

  • Aka linear regression model

  • Creates output (after multiplying and adding weights and bias) that is linearly proportional to input

    • Allows multi-value output

  • Cannot use backpropogation

    • Derivative of function is a constant (Constant has no relation to input X)

    • Cannot backtrack to see how weights can improve to minimize loss

  • Basically only has 2 layers (input -> output)

    • Since it's linear output, any layers added don't change the fact that any output is just linear to the input

Non-Linear Activation Function

  • Allows backpropogration

    • Derivatives are related to input

  • Allows for multiple layers

Common Non-Linear Activation Functions

Sigmoid / Logistic



  • Smooth gradient (prevents "jumps" in output values)

  • Bounded output values for each neuron ([0,1][0, 1]) by normalization

  • Clear predictions

    • If 2<=X<=2-2 <= X <= 2, YY is very close to either 0 or 1 (Refer to graph)


  • Vanishing Gradient Problem

    • High or low X values are indistinguishable since they just round back to 0 or 1

    • Makes network unable to learn more

    • Predicting can be slow

  • Computationally expensive

  • Output is not zero-centered (sigmoid only outputs values between 0 and 1, 0 is clearly not the center)

    • Refer to this link for explanation on why that's bad

TanH / Hyperbolic Tangent:



  • Zero-centered

  • like sigmoid


  • Like sigmoid

ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit)

f(x)=0f(x) = 0 if x<0x<0

f(x)=xf(x) = x if x>=0x>=0


  • Only used for hidden layers (not output layer)

  • Linear for anything greater than 0

  • 0 for anything less than 0


  • Computationally efficient (converges quickly)

  • No vanishing gradient problem


  • Not zero-centered

  • The Dying ReLU problem

    • If neuron outputs negative value, the output is 0. This is hard to recover from since the derivative of 0 is just 0 (unlikely for neuron to recover).

      • i.e. Non-differetiable at 0 (cannot perform backpropagation)

  • Not usually used in RNNs

    • RNNs output very large values, and ReLU does not bound output values, so you could have exploding gradient problem

Leaky / Parametric ReLU / Maxout Function

f(x)=xf(x)=x if x>0x>0

f(x)=axf(x)=ax if x<0x<0


  • aa is a parameter

  • a=0.01a = 0.01 for leaky Relu


  • Fixes "dying relu problem" (no 0 slope, so can have backpropagation now)

  • Speeds up training


  • Results not consistent for negative values

  • You have to tune the slope parameter



  • No graph because Softmax is a multivariable function

  • Multi-class classification version of Sigmoid

    • Sigmoid and Softmax are the same in binary classification


  • Can handle multiple classes (Useful for output neurons)

    • Normalizes outputs for each class between 0 and 1, then divides by sum

      • Gives probability of input being in specific class

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