Lecture 11

Copy Assignment Operator


Student billy {...};
Student bobby {billy}; /// copy ctor
Student jane;
jane = billy; // copy assignment
jane.operator = (billy);

n1=n2; // n1.operator=(n2);
n1=n2=n3; // n2.operator = (n3);


Node & Node::operator=(const Node &other) {
  if (this==&other) return *this; // self assignment check
  data = other.data;
  delete next; // since we are updating on existing obj
  next = other.next? new Node {*other.next}=nullptr;
  return *this;
  • If new fails, stop executing

    • next is a "dangling pointer"

New assignment operator:

Node &Node::operator=(const Node &other) {
  if (this==&other) return *this;
  Node *temp=next;
  next = other.next? new Node {*other.next}=nullptr;
  data = other.data;
  delete temp;
  return *this;
// Switch of order; keeping temp in class
// Assign new, then delete

Copy and Swap Idiom

struct Node {
  void swap(Node &);
  Node &operator = (const Node &);

#include <utility>
  void Node::swap(Node &other) {
  swap(data, other.data);
  swap(next, other.next);

Node &Node: operator=(const Node &other) {
  Node temp{other};
  this->swap(temp); // automatically deleted after shifting out of scope
  return *this;
} // requires correct dtor

EXAMPLE: Classes/vvalue/node.cc

// 2 copy constructors for 2 nodes
Node plusOne (Node n) {
  return n;

// 2 calls to constructor
Node n {1, new Node {2, nullptr}};
Node n1 {plusOne(n)}; 

Note: we would like 2 kinds of constructors:

  1. One that copies from non-temp object (copy ctor) (lvalue reference)

  2. One that steals from a temp obj are r-values (rvalue reference)

Rvalue Reference: Reference to a temporary Node <- Node Node & <- lvalue Node && <- rvalue reference

Move Constructor

Node::Node(Node &other):
  data {other.data},
  next {other.next} {
    other.next = nullptr;
n1 = plusOne(n); //temp rvalue
n1 = n2; //lvalue

Move Assignment Operator

Node &Node::operator=(Node &&other) {
  return *this;
// Copy/move elision

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