Math 239 Formula Theorems

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Cartesian Product

Unordered: {1,1,3}={1,3,1}\{1, 1, 3\} = \{1, 3, 1\} Ordered: {1,1,3}{1,3,1}\{1, 1, 3\} \ne \{1, 3, 1\} $$

A \cup B

Binomial Coefficient Sets

Binomial Theorem

$$S_{k,n}={\Omega \subseteq {1, 2, ..., n}:



Bijection Theorems

STS\rightarrow T 1. f(x1)=f(x2)x1=x2f(x_1)=f(x_2) \Rightarrow x_1=x_2 - 1-1/injective 2. yT,xS,f(x)=y\forall y\in T, \exists x \in S, f(x)=y - onto/surjective

Suppose S,TS, T are finite sets and f:STf:S \rightarrow T (i) If ff is 1-1 $$\Rightarrow

Generating Series

Generating Series Theorems

SS is a set with weight function w:S{0,1,2,...}w:S\rightarrow \{0, 1, 2, ...\} Φs(x)=σSxw(s)\Phi_s(x)=\sum\limits_{\sigma \in S}x^{w(s)}

Φs(x)=k0akxk\Phi_s(x)=\sum\limits_{k\ge 0}a_kx^k $$

Formal Power Series

FPS Operations

C(x)=c0+c1x+c2x2+...+k0ckxkC(x)=c_0+c_1x+c_2x^2+...+\sum\limits_{k \ge 0}^\infty c_kx^k where (c0,c1,...)(c_0, c_1, ...) are rational numbers. [xn]C(x)=cn[x^n]C(x) = c_n - Coefficient of xnx^n

A(x)=k=0akxkA(x) = \sum\limits_{k=0}^\infty a_kx^k, B(x)=k=0bkxkB(x) = \sum\limits_{k=0}^\infty b_kx^k Addition: A(x)+B(x)=k=0(ak+bk)xkA(x)+B(x)=\sum\limits_{k=0}^\infty (a_k+b_k)x^k Equality: A(x)=B(x)    ak=bkA(x)=B(x) \iff a_k=b_k Multiplication: A(x)B(x)=n=0(j=0najbnj)xnA(x)B(x) = \sum\limits_{n=0}^\infty (\sum\limits_{j=0}^n a_jb_{n-j})x^n

Inverse/Composition of FPS (not all FPS have inverses)

Inverse/Recurrence Theorems

A(x),B(x)A(x), B(x) are fps satisfying A(x)B(x)=1A(x)B(x)=1 ightarrow1(1x)k=k=0xkightarrow \frac{1}{(1-x)^k}=\sum\limits_{k=0}^\infty x^k ightarrow[x0]A(x)B(x)=1ightarrow [x^0]A(x)B(x)=1 - Inverse Let A(x),B(x)A(x), B(x) be fps. If b0=0A(B(x))=j=0aj(B(x))jb_0 = 0 \Rightarrow A(B(x)) = \sum\limits_{j=0}^\infty a_j(B(x))^j - Composition

1(1x)k=n=0(n+k1k1)xn\frac{1}{(1-x)^k}=\sum\limits_{n=0}^\infty {n+k-1 \choose k-1}x^n - Negative Binomial Theorem Let A(x)=j=0ajxjA(x) = \sum\limits_{j=0}^\infty a_jx^j. A(x)A(x) has inverse     \iff [x0]A(x)=a00[x^0]A(x)=a_0\ne 0 Let A(x),C(x)A(x), C(x) be fps. If [x0]A(x)0[x^0]A(x) \ne 0 \Rightarrow there exists fps B(x)B(x) where A(x)B(x)=C(x)A(x)B(x)=C(x) Let A(x),C(x)A(x), C(x) be fps with a00a_0 \ne 0. Let B(x)=C(x)A(x)B(x) = \frac{C(x)}{A(x)}. ightarrow[xn]B(X)=bn=1a0(cnj=0n1anjbj)ightarrow [x^n]B(X) = b_n=\frac{1}{a_0}(c_n-\sum\limits_{j=0}^{n-1} a_{n-j}b_j) Let A(x),B(x)A(x), B(x) be fps s.t. [x0]A(x)0[x^0]A(x) \ne 0 and [x0]B(x)=0[x^0]B(x)=0 ightarrow(A(B(x)))1=A1(B(x))ightarrow (A(B(x)))^{-1}=A^{-1}(B(x))

Sum and Product Lemmas for Generating Series

Geometric Series

Let S=AB,AB=,w:S{0,1,...}S=A \cup B, A \cap B = \varnothing, w:S\rightarrow \{0, 1,...\} ΦS(x)=ΦA(x)+ΦB(x)\Phi_S(x)=\Phi_A(x)+\Phi_B(x) - Sum lemma Let A,BA, B be sets with weight functions: α:A{0,1,...}\alpha: A\rightarrow \{0, 1, ...\} β:B{0,1,...}\beta: B \rightarrow \{0, 1, ...\} w:A×B{0,1,...}w: A \times B \rightarrow \{0, 1, ...\}: w((a,b))=α(a)+β(b)w((a,b))=\alpha(a)+\beta(b) ightarrowΦA×B(x)=ΦA(x)ΦB(x)ightarrow \Phi_{A \times B}(x) = \Phi_A(x) \Phi_B(x) - Product Lemma

Geometric Series: j=0xj=11x\sum\limits_{j=0}^\infty x^j= \frac{1}{1-x} - Composition of Geometric Series: [x0]A(x)=0j=0(A(x))j=11A(x)[x^0]A(x)=0 \Rightarrow \sum\limits_{j=0}^\infty (A(x))^j=\frac{1}{1-A(x)}

Integer Composition

Ambiguous/Unambiguous Binary Strings

A composition of n is a tuple of positive integers (a1,a2,...,ak)(a_1, a_2, ..., a_k) s.t. a1+a2+...+ak=na_1+a_2+...+a_k=n kk is the number of parts of the composition.

Let A,BA, B be sets of binary strings. ABAB is ambiguous if: There exist a1,a2Aa_1, a_2 \in A and b1,b2Bb_1, b_2 \in B s.t. a1b1=a2b2a_1b_1=a_2b_2 ABA \cup B is unambiguous if ABA \cap B \ne \varnothing Expression with several concatenation/union operations is unambiguous if 1 of the concatenations or unions is.

Unambiguous/Ambiguous Binary Strings Expressions

Unambiguous Binary String Operations

AkA^k is ambiguous if there are distinct k-tuples and the concatenations are equal. AA^* is unambiguous     \iff 1. AkAj=A^k \cap A^j = \varnothing 2. AkA^k is unambiguous for each k0k \ge 0 Unambiguous Expressions for set of all binary strings: 1. S={0,1}S=\{0, 1\}^* 2. S={0}({1}{0})S=\{0\}^*(\{1\}\{0\}^*)^* 3. S={0}({1}{1}{0}{0}){1}S=\{0\}^*(\{1\}\{1\}^*\{0\}\{0\}^*)^*\{1\}^*

Theorem 2.6.1: A,BA, B are sets of unambiguous binary strings. (i) ΦAB(x)=ΦA(x)ΦB(x)\Phi_{AB}(x) = \Phi_A(x)\Phi_B(x) (ii) ΦAB(x)=ΦA(x)+ΦB(x)\Phi_{A \cup B}(x) = \Phi_A(x)+\Phi_B(x) (iii) ΦA(x)=11ΦA(x)\Phi_{A*}(x) = \frac{1}{1-\Phi_A(x)}

Partial Fractions Theorems

Homogeneous Linear Recurrences

f,gf, g are polynomials where deg(f)<deg(g)deg(f) < deg(g) and g(x)=(1r1x)e1...(1rkx)ekg(x)=(1-r_1x)^{e_1}...(1-r_kx)^{e_k} where r_1, ..., r_k \in \C, e_1, .., e_k \in \Z^+ Partial Fractions Theorem: ightarrowf(x)g(x)=c1,1(1r1x)+...ightarrow \frac{f(x)}{g(x)}=\frac{c_{1,1}}{(1-r_1x)}+... +c1,e1(1r1x)e1+c2,1(1r2x)+...+\frac{c_{1,e_1}}{(1-r_1x)^{e_1}}+\frac{c_{2,1}}{(1-r_2x)}+... +c2,e2(1rx)e2+...+ck,1(1rkx)+...+ck,ek(1rkx)ek+\frac{c_{2,e_2}}{(1-r_x)^{e_2}}+...+\frac{c_{k,1}}{(1-r_kx)}+...+\frac{c_{k,e_k}}{(1-r_kx)^{e_k}} Theorem 3.1.4: There exist polynomials P1,...,PkP_1, ..., P_k s.t. deg(Pi)<eideg(P_i)<e_i ightarrow[xn]f(x)g(x)=P1(n)r1n+P2(n)r2n+...+Pk(n)rknightarrow [x^n]\frac{f(x)}{g(x)}=P_1(n)r_1^n+P_2(n)r_2^n+...+P_k(n)r_k^n

Theorem 3.2.1: Let {cn}n0\{c_n\}_{n \ge 0} satisfy the linear recurrence: cn+q1cn1+...+qkcnk=0c_n + q_1c_{n-1}+...+q_kc_{n-k}=0 Define g(x)=1+q1x+...+qkxkg(x)=1+q_1x+...+q_kx^k, C(x)=n=0cnxnC(x)=\sum\limits_{n=0}^\infty c_nx^n ightarrowightarrow There exists polynomial f(x)f(x) s.t. deg(f)<kdeg(f) < k C(x)=f(x)g(x)C(x) = \frac{f(x)}{g(x)}

Characteristic Polynomial

h(x)=qk+qk1x+...+q1xk1+xkh(x)=q_k+q_{k-1}x+...+q_1x^{k-1}+x^k for recurrence: cn+q1cn1+...+qkcnk=0c_n+q_1c_{n-1}+...+q_kc_{n-k}=0 Theorem: Roots: r_1, r_2, ..., r_L \in \C Multiplicities: e1,e2,...,eL1e_1, e_2, ..., e_L \ge 1 ightarrowightarrow Then there exists polynomials P1,...,PLP_1, ..., P_L s.t. deg(fj)=ej1deg(f_j) = e_j-1 and cn=P1(n)r1n+...+PL(n)rLnc_n = P_1(n)r_1^n + ... + P_L(n)r_L^n

Graph Theory

Handshaking Lemma
Corollary 4.3.2 (# of odd degrees)

$$\sum\limits_{v \in v(G)} deg(v)=2


Corollary 4.3.3 (Average Vertex Degree)


Avg vertex degree = $$\frac{2


Isomorphic Equivalence Relation

Complete Graphs (KnK_n)

1. A graph is isomorphic to itself (reflexive) 2. If G1G2G2G1G_1 \cong G_2 \Rightarrow G_2 \cong G_1 (symmetric) 3. If G1G2G_1 \cong G_2 and G2G3G1G3G_2 \cong G_3 \Rightarrow G_1 \cong G_3 (transitive)

Every pair of vertices is an edge. # of edges = (n2){n \choose 2}

Regular Graphs (k-regular)

Bipartite Graphs

Graph where every vertex has degree kk. # of edges = nk2\frac{nk}{2}

Graph where there exists partition of vertices (A,B)(A,B) s.t. each edge of G joins 1 vertex of BB with a vertex in AA.

Complete Bipartite Graphs (Km,nK_{m,n})


Graph with partition (A,B) where all possible edges joining vertex in A with vertex in B. $$


Theorem 4.5.2 (Walk, Path)

Corollary 4.6.3 (Path Transitive)

If there is a u,vu,v-walk in GG \Rightarrow there is a u,vu,v-path in GG.

If there exists u,vu,v-path and v,wv,w-path ightarrowightarrow there exists u,wu,w-path.

Theorem 4.6.4 (Cycle, degree)


If every vertex in GG has deg2Gdeg \ge 2 \Rightarrow G has a cycle.

Length of graph's shortest cycle. If GG has no cycles ightarrowightarrow girth = \infty - Measure of graph density - High girth = lower average degree (usually)

Spanning Cycle/Hamiltonian Cycle


Cycle that uses every vertex in the graph

Connected if there is a u,vu,v-path for any pair of vertices u,vu,v.

Theorem 4.8.2 (Connectedness)


Let uV(G)u \in V(G) If u,vu,v-path exists for each vV(G)Gv \in V(G) \Rightarrow G is connected.

Let xV(G)x \subseteq V(G). Cut induced by x in GG is the set of all edges in GG with exactly 1 end in x.

Theorem 4.8.5 (Disconnectedness)

Eulerian Circuit/Tour

GG is disconnected     \iff There exists a nonempty proper subset xx of V(G)V(G) s.t. the cut induced by xx is \empty.

Closed walk that uses every edge of GG exactly once. - Connected unless it has isolated vertices

Theorem 4.9.2 (Eulerian Circuit Vertices)


GG is connected. GG has an Eulerian circuit     \iff every vertex in GG has even degree.

An edge ee (or cut-edge) in GG if GeG-e has more components than GG.

Lemma 4.10.2 (Bridge Component)

Theorem 4.10.3 (Bridge, Cycle)

If e=uve=uv is a bridge in GG and HH is the component containing ee ightarrowightarrow HeH-e has exactly 2 components (hence GeG-e has 1 more component than $G$) Moreover, uu and vv are in different components of HeH-e. (hence in GeG-e)

An edge ee is a bridge of GG     \iff ee is not in any cyce of GG.



Connected graph with no cycles # of edges = n1n-1 by Theorem 5.1.5 - Bipartite by Lemma 5.1.4

Graph with no cycles. # of edges = nkn-k , with nn vertices and kk components

Lemma 5.1.4 (Tree, Bridge)


Every edge in a tree/forest is a bridge.

Tree with vertex degree 1.

Theorem 5.1.8 (Tree Leaves)

Lemma 5.1.3 (Unique Path Tree)

Every tree with 2\ge 2 vertices has 2\ge 2 leaves.

There is a unique path between any 2 vertices in a tree.

Theorem 5.2.1 (Connectedness, Spanning tree)

Corollary 5.2.2 (Connected, tree)

GG is connected     G\iff G has a spanning tree.

If GG is connected with nn vertices and n1n-1 edges ightarrowGightarrow G is a tree.

Corollary (Tree-Graph equivalence)

Corollary 5.2.3 (Spanning Tree, Cycle)

If any of 2 the following 3 conditions hold ightarrowGightarrow G is a tree: 1. GG is connected 2. GG has no cycles. 3. GG has n1n-1 edges.

If TT is a spanning tree of GG and ee is an edge in GG that is not in TT ightarrowightarrow T+eT+e has exactly 1 cycle. Moreover, if ee' is an edge in CC ightarrowightarrow T+eeT+e-e' is a spanning tree of GG.

Corollary 5.2.4 (Spanning Tree, Component)

Bipartite Characterization Theorem

If TT is a spanning tree of GG and ee is an edge in TT ightarrowTeightarrow T-e has 2 components (ee is a bridge in T). If ee' is an edge in the cut induced by the vertices of 1 component ightarrowightarrow Te+eT-e+e' is a spanning tree of GG.

GG is bipartite     G\iff G has no odd cycles.

Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) Problem

Prim's Algorithm Theorem

Given connected graph GG and weight function on edges w:E(G)w: E(G) \rightarrow , find minimum spanning tree in GG whose total edge weight in minimized.

Prim's algorithm produces a MST.



If 2 vertices are adjacent in G    G \iffThe same 2 vertices are not adjacent in Gˉ\bar{G}.

A graph is planar     \iff Each component is planar



A face of a planar embedding is a connected region on the plane. 2 faces are adjacent $\iff$ The faces share \ge 1 edge in their boundaries.

Subgraph of all vertices and edges that touch a face.

Boundary Walk

Handshaking Lemma for Faces

Closed walk once around the perimeter of the face boundary. Degree of face = length of boundary walk

Let GG be a planar graph with planar embedding where FF is the set of all faces. $$\sum\limits_{f \in F} deg(f)=2

Lemma L7-1

Jordan Curve Theorem

In a planar embedding, an edge ee is a bridge     \iff The 2 sides of ee are in the same face

Every planar embedding of a cycle separates the plane into 2 parts: 1 on the inside, 1 on the outside

Euler's Formula


Let GG be a connected planar graph. Let nn = # of vertices in GG. Let mm = # of edges in GG. Let ss = # of faces in a planar embedding of GG. ightarrownm+s=2ightarrow n-m+s=2 Note: If GG has CC components ightarrowightarrow nm+s=1+Cn-m+s=1+C Result: All planar embeddings of a graph have the same number of faces.

A connected planar graph is platonic if it has a planar embedding where every vertex has same degree (3\ge 3) AND every face has same degree (3\ge 3)

Lemma 7.5.2

Lemma 7.5.1

Let GG be a planar graph with nn vertices and mm edges. If there is a planar embedding of GG where every face has degree 3\ge 3 ightarrowmd(n2)d2ightarrow m \le \frac{d(n-2)}{d-2}

If GG contains a cycle ightarrowightarrow In any planar embedding of GG, every face boundary contains a cycle.

Theorem 7.5.3

Corollary 7.5.4

Let GG be a planar graph with n3n \ge 3 vertices ightarrowm3n6ightarrow m \le 3n-6

K5K_5 is not planar.

Theorem 7.5.6

Corollary 7.5.7

Let GG be a bipartite planar graph with \ge 3 vertices and mm edges. ightarrowm2n4ightarrow m \le 2n-4

K3,3K_{3,3} is not planar.

Edge Subdivision

Kuratowski's Theorem

Edge subdivision of GG is obtained by replacing each edge of GG with a new path of length 1\ge 1

A graph is planar     \iff Graph does not have an edge subdivision of K5K_5 or K3,3K_{3,3} as a subgraph.


Theorem 7.7.2

If CC is a set of size kk ("colours") ightarrowf:V(G)Cightarrow f:V(G) \rightarrow C s.t. f(u)f(v) uvE(G)f(u) \ne f(v) \space \forall uv \in E(G) Note: A k-colouring does not need to use all kk colours.

GG is 2-colourable     \iff GG is bipartite

Theorem 7.7.3

6-Colour Theorem

KnK_n (complete graph) is n-colourable, and not k-colourable for any k<nk<n

Every planar graph is 6-colourable.

Corollary 7.5.4

5-Colour Theorem

Every planar graph has a vertex of degree 5\le 5

Every planar graph is 5-colourable.

Contraction Result L7-7

4-Colour Theorem

If GG is planar ightarrowightarrow G/eG/e is planar.

Every planar graph is 4-colourable.

Dual Graph Results L7-8(GG^*)

Lemma 8.2.1

Key: Colouring faces is equivalent to colouring vertices of dual graph. The dual graph is planar. 1. If GG is connected ightarrow(G)=Gightarrow (G^*)^*=G 2. A vertex in GG corresponds to a face in GG^* of the same degree. 3. A face in GG corresponds to a vertex in GG^* of the same degree. 4. The dual of a platonic graph is platonic. 5. If we draw a closed curve on the plane ightarrowightarrow the faces are 2-colourable.

If MM is any matching of GG and CC is any cover in GG $$\Rightarrow

Lemma 8.2.2

Konig's Theorem

If MM is a matching of GG and CC is a cover of GG where $$


Augmenting Path Results L8-2

Lemma 8.1.1

Let MM be a matching. Let PP be an augmenting path. Let MM' be a new matching from P. ightarrowM=[M(E(P)M)] (E(P)M)ightarrow M'=[M\cup (E(P)\setminus M)]\space \setminus (E(P)\cap M) Notes: - P is always odd length (L8-2 for proof) - P always starts and ends in different parts of the bipartition.

If a matching MM has an augmenting path ightarrowightarrow MM is not a maximum.

Bipartite Matching Algorithm

Corollary L8-4

Minimum cover = Y(AX)Y \cup (A \setminus X)

A bipartite graph GG with mm edges and maximum degree dd has a matching of size md\ge \frac{m}{d}

Neighbour Set (NG(D)N_G(D) or N(D)N(D))

Hall's Theorem

Let DV(G)D \subseteq V(G). Neighbour set of DD is set of all vertices adjacent to at least 1 vertex in DD.

A bipartite graph GG with bipartition (A,B)(A,B) has a matching that saturates all vertices in A $$\iff \space \forall \space D \subseteq A,

Corollary 8.6.2

Corollary L8-6

If GG is a kk-regular bipartite graph with k1k\ge 1 ightarrowightarrow GG has a perfect matching.

The edges of a kk-regular bipartite graph can be partitioned into kk perfect matchings.

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