from psycopg2 import sqlconn = psycopg2.connect( user ="new_name", password="password", host="", port="port_number", database="db_name")cursor = conn.cursor()
Commit Changes
Create Table
table = (""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS table ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, date DATE, status BOOLEAN, num INTEGER, UNIQUE (num) ); """)cursor.execute(table)
update =""" UPDATE table SET name = %s, date = %s WHERE num = %s"""cursor.execute(update, ("Hi", "2019-03-20"))
cursor.execute(""" SELECT num FROM table WHERE num = %s;""", (2, ))
Get value in row
cursor.execute('SAVEPOINT sp2')try: cursor.execute(""" SELECT num FROM table WHERE num = %s; """, (2, ))except psycopg2.IntegrityError: cursor.execute('ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT sp2')
Convert Postgres Database to CSV
COPY table_name/query TO '/Users/laura/...path_to/file.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;